Modern day dentures are far removed from the clunky looking contraptions of years gone by. Nowadays they're lighter, more comfortable, and more lifelike than their predecessors. What's more, dentures come in different guises. These include;

  • Partial dentures - Used to replace one or several missing teeth
  • Full dentures – To replace entire arches of teeth
  • Implant-retained dentures- Designed to be held in position using several dental implants
  • Immediate dentures - Designed to be used immediately after teeth have been extracted


Despite the fact that dentures come with their own set of unique challenges they have many advantages. They allow a person to quickly restore bite function while providing support for the cheeks and lips. Dentures also help to prevent existing teeth from shifting out of position. In addition, aesthetically, dentures have the ability to restore a great looking smile, making the wearer appear younger, and often more confident.

Modern dentures are usually made from acrylic resins which are comfortable, but strong enough to remain stable in the mouth. They're normally held in place by natural suction but in some instances they may need fixative to prevent them from moving around. Alternatively, implant-retained dentures are held in place by dental implants which are anchored firmly into the jaw. 

As the shape of the jaw or bite changes over time, your denture may need to be adjusted periodically to maintain a comfortable fit. Eventually, when it can no longer be adjusted your denture will either need replacing or your existing one modified.


During a consultation your dentist will assess your needs and examine your mouth for suitability. If your gums aren't in the best of health you may first need treatment. This is something your dental office will advise you on. If all is well, an impression of your gums is taken and used as a model to fabricate your new dentures. On average your new dentures will take 2-4 weeks to make.

Dentures continue to be the 'go to' missing teeth replacement of choice for many budget conscious people and as a non-surgical option, contemporary dentures remain popular. Why not talk to us about the various types available in more detail.

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